Israel and the United States did 911

Anti-911truth is always and everywhere pro-war propaganda
To be anti-911truth is to advocate legalizing murder and war crimes of any sort
If you think murders should not be investigated this page is not for you
911Truth is a peace movement

Only as a result of the internet all Americans should know this by now. The whole world should know this, as much already do. If you don't research 911 enough to know that the apartheid state of Israel and the United States did 911 with Saudi Arabia assisting with just some of the financial and logistical support nothing going on in the world today is going to make any sense to you. The evidence is quite overwhelming, but you will have to personally fact check what I have here below completely on your own. The internet allows you to do that, but the powers that be are increasingly making it more difficult for you. I don't know how to save you anymore time than I have here.

These 2 or 3 pages are meant to serve as a referencing point or a launching pad for your own learning process and research. You need to use these sources as a starting point to save yourself a huge amount of time, effort, and heartaches as I have found them to be the best sources available right now. They will reference you to other people that will reference you to others from there. I add/change/delete what appears on these few pages as I learn to assist better and I keep these links updated as the powers that be do not want people learning these things. Notice how I am not seeking any money for anybody. I am just one person here sharing what I have learned all by myself. The only agenda here is the truth and I could care less where it goes or whether you can take it. The truth will for sure set you free, but on this planet, in far too many cases, it's going to first piss you off. You need to stand on my shoulders and work from there just as I have from others. I obviously will not decide what happens to this planet. All people's future will be determined by what each individual chooses to do with this information on their own.

The faster as many people as possible learn this stuff and spread it around to others that do likewise the more secure everybody's future will become, otherwise things will become harder and harder to reverse for everybody and at a greater and greater sacrifice for every last person on the planet. You likely will not be able to search at least the normal ways you would think to find this page again.

*** BOTH YAHOO AND GOOGLE ON AUGUST 17, 2024 TOGETHER DECIDED TO SHUTDOWN ALL MY EMAIL ACCOUNTS ON THOSE TWO DOMAINS. A FEW DAYS LATER MICROSOFT LOCKED ME COMPLETELY OUT OF MY PHONE. I'M WORKING TO WORK AROUND THEIR SEVERE CRIMINALITY PROBLEMS. It also means if you leave a comment I won't get it and may even completely lose it after I fix it. You should be able to reach me right here: right now as far as I know. People seeing this for the 1st time cause problems. They never try to disprove anything, they just cause problems. Yahoo doesn't want my email account here: basically working at all right now. Yahoo, among other things, is also now refusing to process any emails that had to be processed by Yahoo because it had previously become completely determined 100% after many years by employees of Cox Communications (my ISP) that Cox Communications was simply too corrupted to process them itself. Yahoo seems to be agreeing now with Cox Communication that they are also too corrupted to process any of them so it becomes my ISP, Cox Communications, problem once again to hand off to another domain willing to allow people to actually communicate with each other.

It is not possible for one of my two credit unions to ever prove to anybody at anytime that they do not have spies working for them or that there are not major security breaches in their systems that threaten both people's security and safety which I have pointed out to them very politely over and over again in various ways since the 90s. They have always refused to even acknowledge let alone even try to begin to understand why its a problem for them. When things get too complicated for them to connect or very easily understand relevance they go on a permanent busy busy holiday quickly. Why does one of my credit unions, Cox Communications, Yahoo, and Google get freaked out about any conversations of peace and accountability applicable to their behavior problems? This situation was triggered I believe by complete uninformed knee jerk reactions of probably just 1-3 people inside one of my credit unions that have no idea what is even going on or having any interest in even trying to understand how it is applicable to problems in their credit union.

Then both Google and Yahoo appear to have completely forgotten at this same exact time how to ask a user for a phone number so the owner's identity can be verified that way for email accounts they suddenly pretend are all at risk all at the same time. YAHOO IS LYING TO EVERYBODY when it for the first time ever is now saying "Voice over IP (VoIP) numbers aren't supported yet". Everybody knows that its always worked and been supported. In actuality the psychopaths want everybody having a cell phone so they can track everybody everywhere they go more effectively and commit crimes against them more easily. After all these years Yahoo suddenly forgot what domains are while continuing to spread identity theft far and wide for all the criminals. Both Google and Yahoo seem to know very well how to stop any emails accounts from working during the exact time that the authentication process is taking place though. Why is that? They appear to be very good at that, but stupid about asking for a phone number without being paid to remember how to do that to get through the process. I won't be paying you guys any money to get you guys to remember how to do this or pay you any money to teach you how to do it either. As far as I know right now Microsoft's Skype has never objected to being used during the authentication process until a few days later then Microsoft also forgot how to do it. Now Microsoft has locked me completely out of my phone and won't either allow me access to my phone to get the verification code or ask me for my email address that Microsoft has to get the verification code there. I don't need to pay either Google and Yahoo any money to know why all my email accounts from them break at the same time when I mention peace and accountability being applicable to an ongoing money and security situation I'm having with one of my credit unions. I don't need to pay Microsoft any money to know why they forgot how to use an email address instead of a phone they have me locked out of to get a verification code. They simply do not want anything connected together with their problems.

The only person that has ever either commented or emailed me from this page is Julius Skoolafish which just happened at the bottom comments on June 20, 2024.

Nobody really wants to come here at all and almost all the people that do find there way here for whatever reason have no interest in studying anything.

Bob McIlvaine's son was one of the first people murdered on 9/11/01. He attended 95% of all the 9/11 Commission hearings and was one of the victim family members who triggered the 911 truth movement.

"I can tell you for sure my son. He died before the planes hit. Well, that automatically eliminates the Muslim world. Automatically eliminates the Muslim world. So I can tell you with 100% certainty that Muslims had nothing to do with my son's death. So how do you like that?"

"The FBI said we could not convict Osama bin Laden. Second we had no proof there were Arabs on the planes. So why should we even go any further? Who in the hell killed my son?"

"Even Kean and Hamilton said we were setup to fail. Well those bastards knew they were going to fail from the very beginning. It was a setup from the get go. So them coming out. You know what they're trying to do. They're just trying to make themselves look good. They are part of it. I consider them part of the murder. If anybody is convicted, these people should be convicted."

"No matter how you look at, it was a crime scene. I don't believe anything about the official story. I'll say right now I think the United States orchestrated this thing. I don't think it. I know it."

What Really happened on 9/11? - William Rodriguez (48 minutes)
* William Rodriguez - janitor in WTC 1 and 13 others with him witnessed a huge explosion coming up from below the B1 level before the first plane hit (listen for at least 1 minute and 35 seconds or to 14:30)
"We hear BOOM!!!!!! Huge explosion. It was so hard that it pushed us upwards from the floor. We went up. All the walls cracked. The false ceiling completely fell down. The sprinkler system got activated and there was screaming all over. At that moment I thought that it was a generator that blew up on the B2 level, because we had the mechanical room with all the pumps. All the electrical power for the building was located in there. So it made not only sense, but remember I was in the building for 20 years. I could tell the difference of something coming from the bottom and something coming from the top. So when I went to verbalize that something blew up probably in the mechanical room. We hear POW!!! All the way on the top. The impact of the plane. Two different events. There was an explosion in the basement prior to the tower being hit by a plane." * Youtube channel shutdown mirrored (YCSM) just in time for the 21 anniversary of the 9/11 homicidal murder spree. Bitchute link goto 12:55 and listen to 14:31 for at least 1 minutes and 36 seconds. * YCSM

MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9 11 Investigation: Must Watch with Richard Gage Barbara Honegger (36.5 minutes)
* Barbara Honegger for over a decade and a half and at the time of 9/11 was the senior military affairs journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School located in Monterey, California which was built by the DOD and considered to be the Pentagon’s premiere science technology and national security affairs graduate research university. According to Barbara Honegger they have officially recorded seismic data along with expert analysis and at least 2 dozen videotaped whistleblower eye witness accounts showing that a massive explosion occurred in the deep basement of WTC 1 fourteen seconds before the first plane impact of WTC 1 and a massive explosion occurred in the deep basement of WTC 2 seventeen seconds before the second plane impact of WTC 2. Listen for 1 minute and 17 seconds from 27:31 to 28:48 to where she says this. * YCSM then bitchute deplatformed by service providers (BDBSP)

911 Family Member, Bob McIlvaine's Message To The World for 911 anniversary (24 minutes)
* Youtube hate speech not mirrored (YHS^M) declared, then meantime link YHS^M, then Youtube backed off from that position on the meantime link then reasserted the hate speech position for the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 crime, then backed off from that position once the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 homicidal murder spree had passed. * YHS^M
Try this in the meantime:

Firemen Lieutenant William Walsh arrived less than 2 minutes after plane hit WTC 1 - Interview 1-11-2002 * p. 7

911The Last Man Out of the North Tower explosion janitor William Rodriguez (54.5 minutes)
* listen for 25 second to 34:10
"When I get to the lobby. What do I see? The elevators. The elevators for the passengers are open from the bottom like this [using both of his arms he makes the shape of a triangle]. The doors. The aluminum doors. Indication that something powerful came from the bottom. I mean I don't have to be a genius to realize that something was wrong there."

What the US did to Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan among others et cetera is as bad as what the Nazis allegedly did. Look at Eisenhower death camps ( * YCSM). Youtube depleted uranium babies, James and Joanne Moriarty ( * page currently not available then HTTP 403 Forbidden [not a good sign at all] - James and Joanne Moriarty website), Susan Lindauer, and Ted Gunderson.

Don't you think we should have been taught about Hitler's peace proposals in grade school? Yeah, and how about Benjamin Freedman never being taught in any school or even the whole Eisenhower death camp situation never being taught in any grade school anywhere? Why burn the books on that stuff? How can any so-called school honestly miss that?

The apartheid state of Israel and the United States ended up doing 9/11 with Saudi Arabia assisting with just some of the financial and logistical support. Others were involved from there. The 9/11 event was a continuation of their ongoing criminal subversive manipulations as exploitative benefactors. They extenuated the basic false narrative in this case from a laptop computer of Ramzi Yousef and Abdul Hakim Murad at the Doña Josefa apartment in Manila by the Philippine authorities who foiled the Bojinka Plot.

911, anthrax, vans, and Israelis (21 minutes) * YCSM 2 times, then Youtube removed mirrored (YRM)

WBD 911 van bombers & spies (19 minutes) * YCSM 2 times, then Youtube removed not mirrored (YR^M) then backed off from that position. Next, the video was made private and mirrored using Youtube

9/11 WAR GAMES (56.5 minutes) * BDBSP

Lawyers' Committee 9/11 Petition for New Anthrax Investigation with James Corbett 12/1/2020 (57 minutes) * Anthony Bragalia 2017 FOIA request ("Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations") then 2019 death then a final January 8, 2021 FOIA response to his original 2017 FOIA request resulted in among other things -> Nitinol (a Roswell-like memory metal) made at Naval Weapon Research Lab 1959 traced back further to Battelle Memorial Institute (of 9/11 Anthrax Attack fame as discussed below at 15:30 forward, 37 seconds 27:40 to 28:17, and 43 seconds 34:22 to 35:05 * Youtube video removed by uploader mirrored (YRUM) then the Youtube error message was changed to video isn't available anymore mirrored (YV^AAM) as being the original developer of Nitinol and a contractor since the late 1940s to analyze metal samples for Wright-Patterson.

Barbara Honegger: “Seven Days in September: Anthrax Links to the Day of 9/11 Itself” LC live stream (47 minutes)

Rock Creek Free Press - FBI Sweeps Anthrax Under The Rug - Anthrax Attacks Came Out of CIA Program

Missing Links 911 - Israel (2 hours 5.5 minutes) * Youtube hate speech mirrored (YHSM) (Remember to use Youtube bandwidth first) then basically IP address not found mirrored (IPA^FM) then redirected to using with some control dissent intelligence and current state of truth added then redirected to * redirected with truth intelligence added then redirected to * mirrored on and on in bitchute and

The Dual Deception: 9/11 and the War on Terror (3 hours 20 minutes) * YR^M then YHSM then backed off from that position then YHSM again.

9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed! (43.5 minutes)

9/11 Inside Out - What A Real 9/11 Investigation Would Reveal (33 minutes)

9/11 Compensation Fund (10 minutes) * YCSM then YHSM

Two Barry Jennings Interviews (WABC-TV, 2001 / LTW, 2007) (21 minutes)

Jews Admit They Did 911 (New Intelligence) (7.25 minutes) * 3:20 to 5:05 Bitchute blocking content not Ads not mirrored (BBC^A^M) then backed off then bitchute load stops not mirrored (BLS^M) then bitchute Failed to fetch video details not mirrored (BFFVD^M) then backed off and BLS^M then BBC^AM * BBC^A^M then backed off then BLS^M then BFFVD^M then backed off * BBC^A^M then BLS^M then BFFVD^M then BLS^M then BBC^AM

When False Flags Don't Fly (7.5 minutes) * YCSM

Debunking A Century of War Lies (24 minutes) * YCSM 2 times

Who ordered the hit on JFK? (22 minutes) * YCSM 3 times

Israel's Central Role in JFK Assassination, Who's Who in JFK Assassination (5200 words)

Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine (2 hours 11.5 minutes)

Cory Hughes Interview – Was Israel Behind The Assassination Of JFK? (1 hours 20 minutes)

Assassination of The Kennedy Brothers (1 hour 26.5 minutes)

The Article Collection of M. Amir Ali, Ph.D. World Trade Center Bombing Who did it and why? * 1993 WTC bombing (1730 words)

"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." - Julian Assange Belfast Telegraph July 19, 2010. * That tells you everything you ever need to know about Julian Assange and Wikileaks right there. *** WATCH BELOW VIDEO. *** That’s how they're letting you know that Wikileaks is a psyop, more specifically ultimately another Rothschild/KM controlled psyop. People everywhere needed to be calling Wikileaks out for what it was at that point. Notice how that still has not happened. Just like COVIDMANIA they can only get away with what people allow them to get away with. That is the only limit KM has.

Wikileaks Fully Exposed (IsraeliLeaks) (1 hour) * YCSM then YHSM

********************** Ignore all people that never mention this or maybe you want to waste time.
There is no way earth’s gravity can make the WTC buildings come down like that, energy had to be added to achieve the results we saw. They’ve known what cures cancer your whole life. Gulf of Tonkin never happened, Pearl Harbor was no surprise, no atomic bomb had to be dropped on Japan to save American lives, and they do not hate us for our NDAA. Youtube, bitchute, or duckduckgo when that fails or USS Liberty, Vatican Pedophilia and Drug Money Laundering, Operation Gladio, Kevin Shipp, Chip Tatum, Joe Banister, School of Americas, Jorge Mario Bergoglio Dirty War, Robert Gaylon Ross, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, Ryan Cristian, Ole Dammegard, khazarian mafia, apple china factory suicides, Yemenis starving, Sde Teiman, Rex Research, Steven Greer, Wendelle Stevens, Paola Harris, philadelphia experiment/phil schneider/al bielek/montauk project/channel3x/wingmakers/jamisson neruda, law of one.

The US fiscal gap is for sure well over 200 trillion (Laurence Kotlikoff) then we have BRICS+ and petroyuan to gold situation as well as the Russian SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages) being linked to the Chinese CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System) and approximately 400 banks. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) covers 60% of Eurasia, 40% of the world population, and 30% of global GDP. The SCO is increasingly overlapping and merging with BRICS which when combined equates to well over half the world’s population. The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has at least considered designing a new commodity linked currency. China, the largest gold mining nation, is moving to dominate the global physical market and threatening the LBMA standard.

I'm not going to listen to what a bunch of wittingly homicidal kleptomaniac war criminal misanthropic mass murdering machiavellian jingoistic apathetically amoral organized psychopaths and gangster megalomaniac avariciously narcissistic unscrupulous two-faced double-crossing pathological liars with callous glib charm try to tell me about anything ever. I threw away my TV in 1998 after I found out about Clinton's Mena. I want to see the real investigations. I want to see the real arrests. I want to see the real convictions to remove further harm so all people learn to heal. I don't want to see any of this presidential pardon monkey business going on as pardons should never be issued that way for a starter.

Why Muammar Gaddafi killing by freemasons (4 minutes) * YHS^M

Muammar Gaddafi and the truth about Libya (re-upload) (1.5 hours) * YRUM by uploader only at bitchute. * YRUM * moved here by uploader

Libyan War The Truth [Nick Spero, James and Joanne Moriarty] (2 hours) * YCSM, then BDBSP then Bitchute channel blocked for platform misuse mirrored by uploader only at, then bitchute 404 - page not found. ( * page currently not available then HTTP 403 Forbidden [not a good sign at all] - James and Joanne Moriarty website) * 404 - page not found

Susan Lindauer former CIA Asset speaks out about lockerbie attack - TRUTH !!! (3.5 minutes)


Libya War: What They Don't Want You to Know (10.5 minutes) * YCSM

Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency (542+ words)

Be Evil - by Nafeez Ahmed - crowdfunded investigative journalism * blog suspended article mirrored below here in 2 parts
How the CIA made Google Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet-- (12,596 words)
Why Google made the NSA Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet-- (13,442 words)

The Military Origins of Facebook (4,036 words)

The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know (43.5 minutes) * YCSM

The 5G Dragnet (26 minutes) * YCSM

Mark Weber - 'The Challenge of Jewish-Zionist Power' (33 minutes) * YCSM 3 times. * 27 minutes 40 seconds

The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big To Fail - One Nation Under Blackmail * Epstein and his handler Maxwell are Mossad spies and go up as high as you can go

Gaza Is ‘Unlivable’ And Israel Is About To Make It Even Worse (979 words) * (Ryan Cristian's analysis: back to his home page for headlines)

Adam Green Interview – Religious Prophecies In Israel, Zionism Vs Judaism & Abrahamic Religions (1 hour) * Adam Green's channels ( , , , , , 503 Service Unavailable then unexpectedly closed the connection then operational) We need to start giving Ryan a break on the bandwidth. * Error establishing a database connection * always try using Youtube 1st

Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin (1 hour 24 minutes)

Investigating war crimes in Gaza I Al Jazeera Investigations (1 hour 21 minutes)

Shah of Iran & Mike Wallace on the Jewish Lobby - 35 Yrs ago (3 minutes) * YHSM

Truth About The Six Day War (58.5 minutes)

Hate Speech Hypocrisy (24 minutes) * YCSM

The Talmud Verified (12 minutes) * YCSM 8 times

We Need To Talk About The Jews (1 hour 17 minutes)

Rothschild's Masonic Israel's War on Truth (Paid for by You!) (14.25 minutes)

Jeff Rense and Texe Marrs - Jewish Instigated Revolutions Throughout History Facts Are Facts (52 minutes)

Warning: The Biden Administration Wants to Expand the War in Europe

Facebook OKs Calls for Violence Against Russians

Israel controls US through money and media: Writer (3 minutes) * YCSM then presstv loses it? and goes into COVIDMANIA not mirrored (PTVLI?CM^M) then the domain was seized by the US government (DSBUS) and article was found at

Israel drives US foreign policy on Iran: American writer (5 minutes) * YCSM then PTVLI?CM^M then DSBUS

US, UK, KSA, Israel, seek the theft of global resources: Writer (4.5 minutes) * YCSM then PTVLI?CM^M then DSBUS

Holocaust revisionist claims are as follows:
1) Hitler's "Final Solution" was intended to be deportation, not extermination.
2) No homicidal gas chambers were used by the Third Reich.
3) Fewer than 6 million Jews were killed of the estimated 70 million killed in WWII.

Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers (9,657 words)

David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992 (1.5 hours) * YRM then YCSM. One hour below. The film's actual original title is "The Truth Behind The Gates Of Auschwitz".

Truth about the Nazi Gas chambers (Mirror) (47 minutes) * video disabled/enabled then YRM

The Treblinka Archaeological Hoax (1 hour 20 minutes) * YRM then stop working, mirrored.

David Stein/Cole on the Holocaust and historical revision (1 hour 50 minutes) * 2017 YCSM 3 times, then Youtube said user deleted account mirrored then YR^M. * YR^M * try this

Zionism's Holocaustianity Big Lie (15 minutes) * YCSM, then BDBSP then Bitchute page not found.

One Third of the Holocaust (4 hour 15 minutes) * YCSM

Judea declares War on Germany (1 hour 12 minutes) * YCSM

Buchenwald a Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil (Full Video) (2 hours 22 minutes) * YCSM

The Holocaust Unveiled (1 hour 43 minutes) * YCSM one hour and 12 minutes below.

Auschwitz--The Surprising Hidden Truth (50 minutes) * YCSM

David Irving: What Did Hitler Know About The Holocaust? (10 minutes) * YHSM

David Irving - The Life and Death of Heinrich Himmler (1 hour 23 minutes) * YRM

Other Losses - a film by James Bacque (1 hour 3 minutes) * Eisenhower death camps * YCSM * now mirrored on and on in Youtube

The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel

Psychopathy: Walt Peretto (7 minutes)

*v*v*v*v* This is the short version of what you have to understand: watch below Benjamin H. Freedman speech America's WWI Timeline and The WWI Conspiracy and these three. *v*v*v*v*

Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told Full (6 hours 32 minutes) * Youtube has been trying to shut this down big time, but it has gone too viral globally to stop now. Blocked for copyright by BBC Studios then YHSM

New World Order - Communism By The Backdoor ( Full Documentary ) 1080p (5 hours 21 minutes) * Youtube says content blocked in USA by WMG for copyright infringement mirrored then domain hijacked by KM network mirrored. 5 hours 21 minutes 5 hours 26 minutes 5 hours 27 minutes 4 hours 48 minutes * mirrored on and on in bitchute 4 hours 48 minutes 4 hours 48 minutes * domain hijacked by KM network (DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING IN THAT WINDOW AFTER

Ring of Power (5 hours 3 minutes) * There are 10 Episodes aka "The Empire of 'The City' (World Superstate)" or "The Secret Rulers of the World - Present/Past". * video broadcast streaming seizes * 4 hours 55.5 minutes of the film * Ring of Power II (2 hours 55 minutes)

*^*^*^*^* End of short version of what you have to understand. *^*^*^*^*

Adolf Hitler's sixteen points plan * Benjamin Freedman, the 9/11 events, as well as even the Karen Silkwood case has all confirmed the world international Jewry conspiracy Hitler talked about.

Hitler's Peace Plans by Mark R. Elsis (38,419 words) * ( (2 hours 24 minutes))

What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1940 by Dr. Friedrich Stieve (97 pages)

Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal to Reason (1 hour 20 minutes) * "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported." - UGETUBE error message for network failure mirror. * network failing * text version

The Truth About Hitler

Hitler Truth Pages

Hitler Wanted To Take Over The World by Mark R. Elsis (3,141 words)

Antony C Sutton: Wall Street and the rise of Hitler & communism (40 minutes)

Clark myths about WWII full interview (1 hour 2 minutes) * YCSM, then YRM.

Hellstorm (1 hour 30 minutes)

PUTlN, Russi@, lsr@el, & ZlONISM (38 minutes) * Youtube video made private, not found on KMN, mirror below. * video is private

The Monetary System Visually Explained (22 minutes) * YCSM then YV^AAM

If the Federal Reserve were a private organization I would have no problems with it. My whole problem is it is not.

Private organizations are not created by acts of federal legislation.
Private organizations do not have their chairmen appointed by the US president and confirmed by the US Senate.
Private organizations are not granted legal monopolies by government.
Private organizations are not shielded from bankruptcy by taxpayer bailouts.
Private organizations are not granted special interest protection against market forces.
Private organizations cannot operate under legalized fraud.

"Point to a deer, call it a horse" - Zhao Gao China 200BC.
Point to an Epstein virus, call it SARS-CoV-2 and give them a COVIDMANIA Agenda 21 reset.

If the Federal Reserve is what the word 'private' is assumed to mean to people then it's by way of 1984 INGSOC Newspeak gang bankster state brainwash training. What's next? The Federal Reserve is liberty and there is nothing federal about it? If you want to know what fascism or corporatism or even one of ten planks of The Communist Manifesto are, just look at the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is nothing less than a government created banking cartel monopoly protection racket for counterfeiting legal tender at will so as to further augment the facilitation of legal plunder into a partnership scam. Its function is to provide an inflated power mechanism for so-called 'private' special interest banking family bloodline lobbyist and so-called public 'non-private' bloodsucking politicians along with so-called public 'non-private' tenured bureaucrats and their other revolving door contractors and grant recipient buddies for work the government has decided must be done and therefore the taxpayer must pay for and who all of which use everybody outside of their monopoly protection racket partnership as collateral to enrich themselves.

This is the reason states are anchored in get-rich-quick monopoly fiat currencies as it greatly increases the amount of legal plunder, power, and criminality the state and all its benefactor network connected buddies can get away with unbeknownst to the public. An unacknowledged ulterior purpose of money is to serve for its decreasing need at an increasing rate by way of unexpurgated technology and knowledge not to catapult the opposite effect upon a civilization by way of systematic institutionalized educational morosophy, trepidation, and engineering sustained conflict.

Exploitation and enslavement are caused by the need to maintain physical world consciousness and conflict is initiated by the control of one's intrinsic needs and discriminatory practices of another. A government or state is nothing less than a geographic monopoly of force, and therein lies the whole problem as geographic monopolies of force must interact with inalienable needs and free will. So without transparency and accountability we're doomed. The fact we don't even study ET civilizations for guidance of our own has everything to do with why we have little hope. A civilization's stage of evolution is measured by how well it cares for its poor/homeless/destitute/disadvantaged, mentally ill, incarcerated, disabled, weak, and sickly. We have chronic pretend I care as long as possible money brain disease.

There is an endogenous law of creation earthling humans have yet to discover let alone accept, that being that money not only trumps peace it trumps the physical material realms as well in all modern technologically advanced civilizations. The only job anybody should ever inescapably have in the peaceful physical material realms is direct production labor, anything and everything outside of that is a hobby with equal and free access to all. The only way to increase the time and resources available for hobbies is to increase efficiency of all direct production labor which is a hobby. Equal free clean housing with clean running water, equal free clean fresh healthy humanly nutritionally sound foods, equal free access to learning materials, and equal free medical attention. Those should all be recognized human rights everywhere. It's a tight-wire act, but the less those principles are transitionally applied the greater the problems mount to overcome a self-imposed hara-kiri. This is basically the current conclusion my learning process has brought me to.

Kay Griggs. Interviewed by Jeff Rense radio (2005) (3 hours 6 minutes)

The Kay Griggs Interviews (1998) (7 hours 45 minutes)

2018 CIA Black Ops Whistleblower Cody Snodgres Comes Forward (1 hour) * YCSM then Youtube uploader deleted video not mirrored then same video unavailable and mirrored.
Other Interviews: * choppy audio

A Noble Lie - Oklahoma City Bombing 1995 Documentary (2 hours) * Blocked for copyright by Christopher Emery, then it was blocked for copyright by Free Minds Films, LLC. This film is NOT a dramatization. Mirrored then Youtube uploader removed video mirrored.

Glenn Greenbacks Completes the Edward Snowjob (19 minutes) * YCSM

Martin Luther King was murdered when he arrived at the hospital (12 minutes)

20/20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline (1 hour 15 minutes) * Youtube channel shutdown not mirrored (YCH^M), finally mirrored once again (1 hour 23.5 minutes).

The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John W. DeCamp - Second Edition Third Printing January 2005 ebook by HappyTribe (451 pages)

Extended: "The Franklin Scandal" (Includes an exclusive interview w/ John DeCamp) (2 hours)

Rusty Nelson Interview by Michael Corbin (2005) (36.5 minutes) * BDBSP

Operation Gladio : The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican , The CIA And The Mafia, Paul L. Williams (2015) (371 pages) * ( (437 words), (1 hour 55 minutes))

Nato's Secret Army: Operation Gladio amd Terrorism in Western Europe by Daniele Ganser (315 pages)

Be the person your DOG thinks you are.

American War Crimes in Vietnam War Documentary (1 hour 33 minutes)

Vietnam: American Holocaust (1 hour 27 minutes) * video blocked for copyright, then YCSM, 1 hour below

Exploding the Korean War Lies (27 minutes) * YCSM

November 25, 1941 diary entry, after meeting with the Roosevelt administration Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson wrote:
"The President brought up the event that we were likely to be attacked, perhaps (as soon as) next Monday, for the Japanese are notorious for making an attack without warning, and the question was what we should do. The question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves..."

ARMY BOARD 1944 stated: "...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..."

Henry Stimson testified after the war, "we needed the Japanese to commit the first overt act".

DWIGHT EISENHOWER stated, "...the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing." (Ike on Ike, Newsweek, 11/11/63).

ADMIRAL WILLIAM D. LEAHY (Chief of Staff to Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman) I Was There, pg. 441.
"It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons."

Norman Cousins (consultant to General MacArthur during the American occupation of Japan) The Pathology of Power, pg. 65, 70-71.
"MacArthur's views about the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were starkly different from what the general public supposed...When I asked General MacArthur about the decision to drop the bomb, I was surprised to learn he had not even been consulted. What, I asked, would his advice have been? He replied that he saw no military justification for the dropping of the bomb. The war might have ended weeks earlier, he said, if the United States had agreed, as it later did anyway, to the retention of the institution of the emperor."

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor

Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address Monday, March 4, 1861
"...I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.... Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgement exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes... No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due...I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution--which amendment, however, I have not seen--has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service. To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amendments so far as to say that, holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable..."

The Civil War was NOT fought for Slavery (Mirror) (27 minutes) * YV^AAM * YV^AAM

Lincoln's Tariff War | by Thomas J. DiLorenzo (1 hour 37 minutes)

Ryan Dawson on the War of Northern Aggression and the Stars & Bars (1 hour 11 minutes) * YCSM 2 times

HISTORY: Jewish Slavetrade Documentary (40 minutes) * YCSM then website was deleted mirrored then BDBSP

EVERYONE MUST KNOW THIS before it is deleted, Why is the US government always hiding it (21 minutes) * YCSM 4 times.

Gerson Therapy COMPREHENSIVE TALK by Charlotte Gerson 2003 (2 hours 54 minutes) * Youtube removed for violating community guidelines (YRVCGM) Cancer you must look up Charlotte Gerson first and foremost and then to others from there. BTW, I am a Gerson patient. We should have been taught this stuff in grade school and high school. * YRVCGM

Pauling's Recommendations for Vitamin C and Lysine (2 minutes) * Linus Pauling is the only person to have been awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes.

Medical Control, Medical Corruption

If you want to live into your 90's Gerson has it right. You better go research completely up on and totally understand toxicity and deficiency and deal with it daily. BTW, all drugs are toxic.

Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates of Kos (460BC-370BC) Greek physician "Father of Medicine" founder of the Hippocratic School of Medicine. * Strange that it works though isn't it google buddies. It's a mere coincidence the Gerson Therapy works that way isn't it. Forget about how they bend over backwards 24/7 to stop you from discovering it. You can't teach it either, because it makes too much sense. It has to be stopped. Why is that?

AIDS truth exposed: HIV can be cured with proper nutrition! (4 minutes) * YCSM, Dr. Luc Montagnier who is credited with the discovery of HIV speaks of how drugs are unnecessary and that HIV can be cured with proper nutrition!

Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process by Wayne M. McDonnell, LTC (14,689 words) * (CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the Holographic Universe (58 minutes)

"It Will Be The End Of Energy Companies" | The FORBIDDEN Technology of Nikola Tesla (11 minutes)

"you have LESS than 1 week” - Terrance Howard (43.5 minutes) * Terrence Howard

Unearthing Nazca (16.5 minutes)

Blue Room Media * channel renamed Michael Schratt and redirected. trace the FOIA audit trail for Project Moon Dust then revisit Kevin D. Randle * renamed and redirected to here

UFO Chronicles: The Black Programs (1080p) FULL MOVIE - Aliens, Paranormal, Sci-Fi, Documentary (1 hour 22 minutes)

Affidavit Of Walter G. Haut (980 words) * Public Information Officer Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) July 1947

Roswell Alien Interview between Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy and Airl after a UFO crash in July 1947 (4 hours 34 minutes) * draw your own conclusion - transcripts (

No Format - UFOs and Nuclear Weapons (32.5 minutes) * The Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), created on July 20, 2022, and its preceding agencies have claimed to not know anything about the March 16, 1967 UFO incident on the Malmstrom AFB in Montana ( * 2 minutes 2:17 to 4:17 then next claim more retardation on the Wilson memo then the Pentagon's Press Secretary Major General Patrick Ryder states this * 1 minute) ??? There is a very long extensively documented easily available history on this whole subject matter the Pentagon, like a bat straight out of the lower depths of hell, continues to act like doesn't even exist??? Scott W. Bray is the Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence and acting Director of Naval Intelligence. Ronald Moultrie is the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. Why are these people even being asked any questions on any part of this subject matter, let alone retained in their positions of authority? That is just completely point blank in your face ridiculous. (

Unacknowledged (2017) DOCU 1080p WEBRip DD2.0 (1 hour 40 minutes) * Blocked for copyright by The Orchard Entertainment mirrored then YCSM then YV^AAM. * YV^AAM

Steven Greer: UFOs & The Deep National Security State (3 hours 50 minutes) * the entire film is Steven Greer on the podium

✡ Religious Extremist Jew Dr Steven Greer has a Jewish wife & kids - lived in Israel for 3 years (1 minute)
Greer simply can't stop sprouting out his Jewish brainwash training on everybody. He blames the Nazis for everything as if Jews have nothing to do with the condition of this planet. This is even well after the Americanized former Nazis Wernher von Braun warned him that they're going to be doing an ET false flag on you. These Zionist Jews (KM) run the planet by controlling the money supply globally by way of the House of Rothschild's control of the City State of London where the London Bullion Market Association is located which sets gold and silver prices twice daily and who of which most primarily led the extermination of the Nazis by way of WWII and resulting Morgenthau plan (see below Benjamin Freedman, the Morgenthau plan, and the Eisenhower death camps). Still looking and waiting for somebody to disprove that position.

Daniel Sheehan - Smuggled Bomb Grade Plutonium Went to Israel (3.25 minutes)

Monday, June 12, 2023! Dr. Greer's Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! FREE to Watch! (3 hours 2 minutes)

NEW VIDEO F-18 Jets Chase UFOs Over Nevada? Exclusive Daniel Sheehan Interview! 2023 (20.5 minutes) * listen for 10.25 minutes from 4:30 to 14:43

BREAKING NEWS! Dr. Greer DROPS Bombshell Information! Catastrophic Disclosure! (48 minutes) * Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive (DPIA)

The Lost Century and How to Reclaim It (2023) (1 hour 46.5 minutes) * rumble video restricted/private mirrored (RVRPM) then backed off * RVRPM then backed off

The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure (30 hours)

This speech is important in understanding the world in which we live today so if you have never heard it before I would definitely recommend it.

Benjamin H. Freedman speech (UNEDITED VERSION!) 1961 (1.5 hours) * video disabled then YHSM 4 times then YCSM then YHSM * YHSM * YHSM * YCSM

Benjamin Freedman (October 4, 1890 – May 1984) was born into a Jewish family and converted from Judaism to Roman Catholicism at the end of WW II.

During the 1912 Woodrow Wilson campaign Benjamin Freedman was the 'confidential man' to Henry Morgenthau Sr. (4/26/1856 – 11/25/1946), who was the chairman of the Finance Committee in Wilson's campaign. Benjamin Freedman was the liaison between Henry Morgenthau Sr. and Rollo Wells who was the treasurer in the 1912 Wilson campaign. Henry Morgenthau Sr. was an Ashkenazi Jew and contributed handsomely to Woodrow Wilson's 1912 presidential campaign and thus became the United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire under Woodrow Wilson from 12/11/1913 to 2/1/1916.

Benjamin Freedman sat in the meetings with President Wilson at the head of the table, and all the others, and he heard them drum into President Wilson's brain the graduated income tax and what has become the Federal Reserve, and also indoctrinate him with the Zionist movement. Justice Louis Brandeis was a Frankist Jew and was as close as two fingers on a hand to President Wilson. President Wilson was just as incompetent when it came to determining what was going on as a newborn baby. That's how they got us into WW I, while we all slept. Benjamin Freedman attended the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) which produced the Treaty of Versailles and lived in Germany for a time after WW I.

*^*^*^*^*^* Henry Morgenthau Sr. was the father of Henry Morgenthau Jr. (5/11/1891 – 2/6/1967). Henry Morgenthau Jr. was the Secretary of the Treasury under Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1/1/1934 to 7/22/1945. Henry Morgenthau Jr., the Jewish Bretton Woods IMF World Bank Soviet Union spy Harry Dexter White, and Bernard Baruch of German Jewish descent were all agents of the European House of Rothschild (who had so much to do with engineering both world wars) and who devised the notoriously infamous Morgenthau plan to 'pasteurize Germany' which meant in reality to continue the war by other means and keep on killing Germans for years after they had surrendered. The ubiquitous Rothschild clan, and their entire tribe (Khazarian Mafia (KM) - World’s Largest Transnational Transgenerational Organized Crime Syndicate - Gog and Magog - Babylonian Talmudism - Baal worship - Synagogue of Satan), had and still have a great hatred for Germans, the White race, the bourgeoisie, the middle class, and anyone owning private property, other than themselves. Henry Morgenthau Jr. included a 6 billion dollar bribe for Winston Churchill to go along with the plan. Roosevelt and Churchill approved the Morgenthau plan when they met at Quebec City in September of 1944. See Eisenhower death camps
( * use Youtube bandwidth/search * YCSM * now mirrored on and on in Youtube *^*^*^*^*^*

"They've fooled you so much that you don't know whether you're coming or going...The Jews -- I call them Jews to you, because they are known as Jews. I don't call them Jews. I refer to them as so-called Jews, because I know what they are...The eastern European Jews, who form 92% of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars...There wasn't one of them that had an ancestor that ever put a toe in the Holy Land, not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them!" - Benjamin Freedman.

The Majestic One – Chapter II

Forbidden Knowledge - History of the Khazar Empire - Lecture by Jack Otto (1 hour)

Israel - A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism (this is a good word for word transcript of the entire speech above)

Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns America by Benjamin H. Freedman (1961)

Origins of the Balfour Declaration - James A. Malcolm (1944)

America's World War I Timeline

May 7, 1915 - Lusitania sinks.

February 21, 1916 - December 18, 1916 Battle of Verdun.

July 1, 1916 - November 18, 1916 Battle of the Somme

Summer of 1916 - Benjamin Freedman says Germany had won the war. German submarines had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic Ocean. Britain had no ammunition for its soldiers and had one weeks food supply. French army had mutiny. Lost 600,000 in the defense of Verdun. The Russian army was defecting. The Italian army had collapsed. England was considering Germany's magnanimous offer of ending the war in the summer of 1916 on what lawyers call a status quo ante basis which means to return things as it were before the war started.

October 1916 - Benjamin Freedman says that German Zionists, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, established the Balfour Declaration with the British War Cabinet in secret. The deal was the Zionists would guarantee to bring the United States into the war as Britain's ally and fight on Britain's side if they would promise Palestine to them after they won the war.

Late autumn 1916 - James Malcolm tells Sir Mark Sykes "You can win the sympathy of the Jews everywhere, in one way only, and that way is by offering to try and secure Palestine for them."

January 9, 1917 -- German government makes the decision to begin unrestricted submarine warfare on February 1 due to continued increased USA exported goods to Britain and France.

January 16, 1917 - The Zimmerman Telegram, representing contingency planning, was sent encrypted by the German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmermann, via the German ambassador in Washington, to the German minister in Mexico City. Decode supposedly by the British in Room 40 and sent the US Embassy in London February 26. Released to the press on March 1 and uproar begins. Berlin to the German ambassador in Washington by several routes.

January 19, 1917 - Zimmermann Note forwarded, encoded, from the German Embassy in Washington to the German legation in Mexico City by Western Union telegram.

January 20, 1917 - Presumed approximate date when the plain-language text of the Zimmermann Note comes into the hands of British Zionists.

Late January 1917 - Chaim Weizmann is first introduced to Mark Sykes, submits to him a memorandum prepared by a committee of Zionists, and has several preliminary conferences with him (perhaps extending into February). The memorandum was entitled "Outline of Program for the Jewish Resettlement of Palestine in Accordance with the Aspirations of the Zionist Movement" and, according to Weizmann, "does seem to have anticipated the shape of things to come."

January 31, 1917 - Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare against Britain, to begin the following day.

February 3, 1917 - U.S. breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany. The German ambassador, Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff, is given his passport and told to leave the U.S.

February 7, 1917 - Sykes meets with Weizmann and other Zionist leaders.

February 14, 1917 - Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff leaves New York on the Danish steamer Frederik VIII bound for Copenhagen. Bernstorff and his party had been granted safe conduct by the British on condition that the ship stop for inspection at Halifax, Nova Scotia. At the time of the Lusitania sinking in 1915, Bernstorff had, as the result of a long conversation with President Wilson and two of his advisers, almost single-handedly prevented war between Germany and the U.S. This had been a great disappointment to the British, who had, as a result, developed considerable respect for Bernstorff's powers of persuasion.

February 16, 1917 - The Frederik VIII enters Halifax harbor. Passengers and ship inspected and held for almost 2 weeks, with no communication with the outside world.

February 17, 1917 - According to James Malcolm an informal Anglo-Zionist gathering took place at the house of Dr. Gaster, to meet Sir Mark Sykes, and Herbert Samuel (now Lord Samuel), James de Rothschild, Dr. Weizmann, Mr. Sokolow, Dr. Tchlenow and Mr. Sacher and one or two others were present. James Malcolm's official duties prevented him from attending. Dr. Weizmann was at that time too fully occupied with his chemical work on behalf of the government to be able to devote himself entirely to the Zionist negotiations, and moreover, as Mr. Sokolow was a member of the Zionist Executive, which Dr. Weizmann was not at the time, Mr. Sokolow was deputed to continue the conversations with Sir Mark Sykes on behalf of the Zionist leaders. [other sources claim: "First full-dress conference leading to the Balfour Declaration." Present were: Rabbi Gaster, Lord Rothschild, Herbert Samuel, James de Rothschild, Nabum Sokolow, Joseph Cowen, Herbert Bentwich, Harry Sacher, Chaim Weizmann and, from the British government, Sir Mark Sykes, ostensibly in an unofficial capacity.]

February 26, 1917 - The U.S. State Department receives a telegram from London containing an English translation of the text of the Zimmermann Note.

February 27, 1917 - Frederik VIII permitted to sail from Halifax.

March 1, 1917 - News of the Zimmermann Note went public. ******

March 8, 1917 - Russia Revolution begins with International Women's Day Demonstrations in Petrograd now called Saint Petersburg and then capital of Russia.

March 11, 1917 - 50 people killed in Petrograd's Znamenskaya Square which is now called Vosstaniya Square.

March 15, 1917 - Nicholas II abdicates. Provisional government formed under Prime Minister Prince Lvov.

March 27, 1917 - Leon Trotsky of Ukrainian-Jewish descent left New York on the ship SS Kristianiafjord.

April 3, 1917 - According to Canadian government archives Trotsky is removed from the SS Kristianiafjord by Canadian and British naval officials in Canada at Halifax, Nova Scotia and was detained at Citadel Hill (Fort George) internment camp. On April 10th, while his family stayed at a local Halifax hotel, Trotsky and his entourage (Nickita Muchin, Leiba Fisheleff, Konstantin Romanchanco, Gregor Teheodnovski, Gerchon Melintchansky) were sent by train to the Amherst internment camp in Nova Scotia. Antony Sutton, who obtain the Canadian archives, says there is no question that Trotsky was financed out of New York and was issued a passport by Woodrow Wilson and the British knew who Trotsky was and knew he was going to start a revolution in Russia.

April 6, 1917 - US Congress declares war on Germany because of the Zimmerman Telegram and the sinking of the Lusitania. *************

April 10, 1917 - Vladimir Lenin, Wife: Nadezhda Krupskaya, and Former Mistress: Inessa Armand boarded the train in Switzerland that went through Germany (4 days) and Sweden to Russia (Petrograd) with the encouragement of the German general staff and Arthur Zimmermann the German State Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Zionist sympathizer), Swiss communist Fritz Platten, and Swedish communists Otto Grimlund and Ture Nerman. Lenin's great-grandfather was a Jew. Time magazine reports that declassified KGB documents reveal that Lenin's maternal grandfather was born Jewish. Lenin's old sister Anna Ulyanova wrote a letter to Stalin in 1932 saying their maternal grandfather "came from a poor Jewish family and was, according to his baptismal certificate, the son of Moses Blank." Blank was born in Zhitomir, Ukraine. In her letter, Ulyanova said her brother "had always thought highly of Jews." She also urged Stalin to reveal Lenin's Jewish background, concluding that "it would be wrong to hide it from the masses." Lenin's maternal grandfather was Israel Blank, born in Odessa Ukraine a Jew who got baptized in his teens and was renamed Alexander. Stalin's word on anything is worth nothing.

April 16, 1917 - Vladimir Lenin arrives in Petrograd. Weizmann is dismayed to learn of the Sykes-Picot agreement to divide Palestine between Britain and France, after the war, in a way incompatible with Zionist aspirations, but comes to realize that the British government was giving priority to its agreements with the Zionists over those with the French.

April 29,1917 - Russian foreign minister Pavel Milyukov is compelled to demand the release of Leon Trotsky as a Russian citizen. Antony Sutton says the instructions came down from the London foreign office to put Trotsky and his party back on the boat and allow them to go forward.

April 1917 - British General Allenby commissioned by Lloyd George to invade and occupy Palestine and to take Jerusalem before Christmas.

May 17, 1917 - Leon Trotsky arrives in Petrograd.

June 18, 1917 - News of Germany financing Vladimir Lenin leaked and people thought he was a spy so Lenin disappear.

August 1917 - William Boyce Thompson director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Wall Street/Red Cross Mission arrives in Petrograd to assist the Bolshevik revolution. See Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution By Antony C. Sutton - Chapter 5 page 51 (

***************************** Delivery Completed For The Israelization Of The United States
October 21, 1917 - American soldiers first saw action in World War I on the frontline trenches in France. (Library of Congress WWI Timeline)
November 2, 1917 - The Balfour Declaration sent to Lord Rothschild from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour.

November 6, 1917 - Lenin reappeared that night and started taking over key points in Petrograd with hardly a shot fired.

December 11, 1917 - General Allenby enters Jerusalem.

March 3, 1918 - The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed between the Russian SFSR and the Central Powers, marking Russia's exit from World War I. Releasing 44 German divisions (500,000 men) for the western front, while leaving 1.5 million on the eastern front.

March 18, 1918 - Germany's Michael offensive begins. 250,000 of American troops entered France by March 1918, but would not fight under British or French control.

July 16/17/18?, 1918 1:30AM - Nicholas II family was killed in the basement of Nikolay Nikolayevich two-story Ipatiev house.

November 11, 1918 5:00AM - The Armistice Treaty was signed and marked the end of the First World War on the Western Front. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the war stopped.

June 28, 1919 - Treaty of Versailles was signed. Five years to the day of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Winston Churchill, the colonial secretary at the time, said in Parliament in 1922 that it should not be thought that in the Balfour Declaration Britain gave something to the Jews for which she received nothing in return. The Zionist agreement was just one of three conflicting agreements for Palestine into which Britain entered during World War I.

The British promised the Arabs independence in return for their help against the Ottoman Turks. The British also entered into the secret Sykes-Picot agreement with their allies, the French (and originally with Czarist Russia as well), dividing the same areas that the Arabs thought were to be independent into British and French spheres of influence. These agreements indisputably were designed to create or reinforce British alliances against the Ottoman Empire, which was allied with Germany.

The Germans were forced to make the Zionist/Freemason Bolshevik revolution happen to remove Russia from the war before America entered it to avoid being slaughtered. The Zionist wanted to get rid of the Czar as later happened in mid-July 1918 and which was why the Zionist were Pro-German before the Balfour Declaration deal was made. It was America's entry into WW I that shifted the balance of power and allowed the allied powers to clean Germany's clock at the Treaty of Versailles and pave the way for WW II. So without America's entry into what amounted to a European civil war of WW I, you have no WW II, you have no Israel and resulting Middle Eastern wars, and you have no Soviet Union and cold war etc...

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution - Antony Sutton (13.5 minutes)

The WWI Conspiracy (1 hour 49 minutes) * YCSM

EUROPA: The Last Battle (Episode 1) (1 hour 1 minute)

First World War Hidden History - Fake History 3: From Burning Correspondence To Permanently Removing The Evidence

First World War Hidden History - Fake History 4: Concealment Of British War-time Documents

Carroll Quigley Interview (46 minutes)

Meet Carroll Quigley (51.5 minutes) * YCSM

In a nutshell the last 6.5 minutes of this sums up our situation very well, but you need to watch the whole thing. Go to 54:05.

The NDAA legalizes government propaganda and false flags no matter how untrue by making the United States legally a battlefield for perception management information operations. Perception management is defined as: "Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations." Information operations is defined as: "the integrated employment of electronic warfare (EW), computer network operations (CNO), psychological operations (PSYOP), military deception (MILDEC), and operations security (OPSEC), in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own."

Full-spectrum dominance is a military entity's achievement of control over all dimensions of the battlespace, effectively possessing an overwhelming diversity of resources in such areas as terrestrial, aerial, maritime, subterranean, extraterrestrial, psychological, and bio- or cyber-technological warfare. Full spectrum dominance includes the physical battlespace; air, surface and sub-surface as well as the electromagnetic spectrum and information space. Control implies that freedom of opposition force assets to exploit the battlespace is wholly constrained. The cumulative effect of dominance in the air, land, maritime, and space domains and information environment, which includes cyberspace, that permits the conduct of joint operations without effective opposition or prohibitive interference.

*** In other words everything you do electronically is recorded and of course that is a very tightly held and very compartmentalized controlled secret similar to how all the ET stuff as always been as well. As far as I know up to this point in time, the only time they are using this information on somebody is when they want to either threaten and scare that person or set that person up some way so as to put that person in prison or they want to murder that person. The most common tactic they use is to screw around with that person's communications all sorts of different ways and using their networks to cut that person's ability to earn income off, trying to force that person into bankruptcy that way, and then forcing that person into homelessness and basically murdering that person that way in a very step by step very compartmentalized fashion. Once you realize everything you do electronically is recorded, how their criminal networks basically operate, and you have watched "Monopoly - Follow The Money" you realize that it is very easy for them to either poison you directly by way of anything you put in or on your body stored in your home or indirectly through the food supply especially in the area of process foods, but beyond that as well. ***

There are always three sides to every story: your side, the other side, and the truth. Once the other side has been revealed, the next step is to find the truth. Which is neither the latter nor the present "so-called truth". History is always written by the victors, regardless of the truth and the victor will never be asked if they told the truth.


Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR * January 23, 2020 btw I found this from Jon Rappoport at
The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable while there is growing evidence that the outbreak is more widespread than initially thought, and international spread through travellers does already occur.
We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.
Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology." - p. 1

COVID-19 Coronavirus “Fake” Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis * 04/8/2020, Totalitarian Tiptoeing/Boiling Frog Scenario/Agenda 2030 -> Agenda 21 hell on earth life experience ( , Rosa Koire).

Coronavirus: Why Everyone Was Wrong. It is Not a “New Virus”. “The Fairy Tale of No Immunity” * 07/2/2020

COVID: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed * 10/08/2020 original linked to Revision 05 07/13/2020: "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available" - p. 39

CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel - CDC-006-00019, Revision: 07 CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases Effective: 07/21/2021
"Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen." - p. 40 * FOR ME THAT TRANSLATES INTO WHAT SHOULD BE AN OPEN AND SHUT CASE OF 1ST DEGREE MURDER, BUT ON THIS NURSERY SCHOOL PLANET THAT IS 100% FOR SURE NOT THE CASE. All 3 revisions were replaced at the same link (134922) below: 05 7/13/2020, 06 12/01/2020, 07 7/21/2021. Revision 06 12/01/2020: "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted" - p. 42. FDA approves first COVID-19 vaccine: 12/11/2020. Completely confident that nobody cares about their future we have Revision 08 3/7/2023 stating the same thing on page 40.

"They didn't isolate the virus that's the issue...I do not suspect its coming from what we originally thought." - Dr. Wu Zunyou - Chief Epidemiologist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC). * 01/26/2021 stopped working mirrored then tweet doesn't exist mirrored (TDEM). Fungal caused pneumonia or Wuhan pollution caused pneumonia or maybe it's a plan or an unwasted self-interest for a new normal world order type of Agenda 21 ( , Rosa Koire) pneumonia that went missing in action by science. * stopped working * TDEM

Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts
Fauci, smoking gun evidence, pandemic fraud; memo to Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan

*************** It is not rude pointing out to people that covid is a fraud. ***************

How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health (2 hours 7.5 minutes) * YCSM then YRM
WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI (2,835 words)
Monopoly - Follow The Money (45.5 minutes)
**^**^**^**^**^**^** * A big surprise here: You've been bamboozled...once AGAIN...Mark Twain said "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled"

10 Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 Is an Imaginary and Theoretical Virus * Originally published 01/28/2021. Domain stopped working mirrored below (2884 words)

Ireland’s National Virus Reference Laboratory has no science describing purification of a “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2” * SARS-CoV-2 is the virus name. COVID-19 is the disease name caused by the fake virus.

New Zealand’s University of Otago claimed to have “isolated the COVID-19 virus” but has no record of it isolated anywhere, by anyone, ever

HSE Finally Admit That Covid19 Has Not Been Scientifically Proven To Exist

The non-existent virus; an explosive interview with Christine Massey

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

COVID 19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud

The Creator of the PCR Technique Kary Mullis on Fauci (2 minutes) * video made private Coincidence: Kary Mullis, who questioned the link between HIV and AIDS (Kary Mullis -- The Full Interview. listen for 5.5 minutes to 32:20 then listen from 1:24:00 to 1:27:00, also lookup "Inventing the AIDS Virus" by Peter H. Duesberg and lookup Walter Gilbert), died on 8/7/2019 at age 74 from pneumonia and Jeffrey Epstein signs his last will and testament on 8/8/2019 then Epstein dies on 8/10/2019. Prison worker’s 4Chan post 10 minutes before news of Jeffrey Epstein’s death hit media: “…guy in a green dress military outfit… switched him out” ( DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN * removed from mirrored then site can’t be reached DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN mirrored). ( Post Dorain Little St. James Drone 8/30/19 * YCSM). * video made private

Kary Mullis on the Misuse of PCR Test (1.5 minutes)

Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists * video made private

Unmasking The Lies Around COVID-19: Facts vs Fiction Of The Coronavirus Pandemic (2 hours)

Missing and unproven viruses: this is nothing new

“Viruses can’t be isolated, but isolation is unnecessary”; another ridiculous claim from those who insist on saying SARS-CoV-2 exists

"They've Pulled The Pin" - Court Victory Proves No Evidence for COVID19 (17 minutes)

The Final Refutation of Virology (22.5 minutes)

Virology Debunks Corona (2 hours 20 minutes)

The COVID-19 Fraud & War On Humanity (Part 1) (27.5 minutes)

CDC NOW Admits NO 'Gold Standard' for the Isolation for ANY Virus!

“So What The Hell Is Going On”?

Dr. David Martin Explains How to Use the Law Against Covid Vaccine Coercion (6 minutes)

My Long Time Friend and ‘Learn The Risk’ Founder Brandy Vaughan Found Dead

The Fake Coronavirus and the Missing Study: The Secret in Plain Sight

The Virus That Isn’t There Has a Hypnotic Effect

Dr. Fauci - Asymptomatic NOT driver of epidemics (1 minute)
"In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit [the virus], an epidemic is not driven by an asymptomatic carriers." - Dr. Anthony Fauci, U.S. Director of National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease
More than half of coronavirus cases spread by asymptomatic carriers, CDC model shows (374 words)
“The bottom line is controlling the COVID-19 pandemic really is going to require controlling the silent pandemic of transmission from persons without symptoms.” - Jay C. Butler the CDC deputy director for infectious diseases * You may have to paste the link in your browser because they are so good or press the enter key after they give you their user friendly error message.

The whole scam just fell apart: COVID test, overwhelming number of false positives

The Pandemic Pattern—how the illusion is built

Boosters: how to kill more people with impunity

'The CDC is actually a vaccine company' – Robert F. Kennedy Jr (13 minutes) * Youtube video is not available in your country mirrored (YV^ACM) YV^ACM

30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet

Your Guide to the Great Reset (1 hour 12 minutes)

Exposed UN Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire... Behind The Green Mask (39.5 minutes)

UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System

Facebook Fact-Checkers Bought and Paid for By Gates Foundation? (15 minutes) * YCSM then YV^AAM

Facebook Whistleblowers LEAK DOCS Detailing Effort to Secretly Censor Vax Concerns on Global Scale (22.5 minutes)

Exposed: There’s A New Federal Court To Handle All The Expected COVID Vaccine-Injury Claims (621 words) * 09/21/2020

J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve * website changed link

Reiner Fuellmich: “New Findings… Enough to Dismantle the Entire (VAX COVID) Industry!” (20 minutes)

How Bad is My Batch

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse Events Resulting from the Experimental COVID-19 Injections

Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable

Fake Coronavirus Data, Fear Campaign. Spread of the COVID-19 Infection

“Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?” – Anonymous Nurse on COVID vaccinations. * It is because we know what we're doing. The planet earth is run by a bunch of organized psychopaths with what turns out to be an unlimited supply of money at its core that largely runs on autopilot at this point and thereby controls both the public and private sectors around the world with the help of a bunch of their arrogant, mal-educated, mal-informed people with Asch conformity Stockholm syndrome, and that's why we're dead. The secret to making people kill themselves is to tap their money brain by paying them first just as money trumps peace. The main focus for now remains on the people that can be fooled all the time just as the most useful puppets are the puppets that follow the program without knowing there is a program. True freedom is when both 1st degree murder and war crimes are legalized together, and that's worth protecting. Otherwise, you're just being rude.

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness." - Professor Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet medical journal.

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” - Dr Marcia Angell, editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine.

CDC SARS-CoV-2 virus under an electron microscope (for another case study of earthling human intelligence) in a clear isolated purified state for easy future unequivocally distinct visual fingerprint identification purposes waiting to have its novel genome extracted and genetically sequenced and repeatedly studied scientifically to methodically fulfill the Koch’s postulates and River’s postulates time and time again from one dead body to the next worldwide. This is not some kind of cartoon identification method being used here. This is the raw deadly proof of exogenous SARS-CoV-2 virion particles so legally immune experiments within experiments can be conducted on people and properly coordinated together systematically between the pharmaceutical companies by batches into a tightly knit highly efficient targeted machine.
The reason why the CDC can't remove the industrial strength killer SARS-CoV-2 virus isolates from all that muck around it is because these are [fake] scientists and they know what they're doing. So just stop thinking about or for yourself so much!!! Put on these masks, take these fake PCR tests while habitually retaking your temperature, go into these lockdowns, and most of all for God's sake get some toilet paper and take these legally immune killer vaccine and booster shots because as the opportunist, Bill Gates, told you back in 2010, "this is the decade of vaccines" (Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World * YCSM then YRM 2 times) and "First, we've got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent." (Ted2010 Innovating to zero! 4:17 and besides that "Investing in global health organizations aimed at increasing access to vaccines creates a 20-to-1 return, the Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist says...Putting $10 billion into the S&P 500 would have grown only to $17 billion over 18 years, factoring in reinvested dividends, Gates tells CNBC in Davos..." (Bill Gates: My ‘best investment’ turned $10 billion into $200 billion worth of economic benefit
The fake virus SARS-CoV-2 (DUMBER) is a result of an unwillingness to learn from the self-interests of the fake virus HIV (DUMB). People are dying from the exact same reasons they have always died. It is not that complicated. Almost all scientists are not what they claim to be and as a result nobody is minding the store for you in any field. You're on your own.

The agenda 21 global financial crash great reset will be done in a new normal hell on earth world order.

And since the human brain contains enough neurons to comprehend what killed it, that's why we're dead. So I want to tell you about this thing called death. Don't worry about it.

**** Be advised that Google, for its best buddy partners of military intelligence/NSA/Unit 8200/Aman/Mossad/CIA/government embedded in KM corporatist structures, is dumbing down your search results into an increasingly more so-called AI (haha so far) spaghetti net for you which includes Google's Youtube. Youtube has virtually reached the point of complete MSM TV brain dead stupid saturation of organized intentional disinformation in the search results category. Youtube's channel whack attack brainwash training sessions are making it ever increasingly completely useless, although there are still some good channels out there if you can find them before the whole platform completes its glorious and wondrous TV transformation to MSMtube full-spectrum brain death. Name followed by topic might still work in many cases for now although Google and the others are just refusing to index much now. I know firsthand that Duckduckgo has compromised itself, making it irrelevant. Google has an in-memory indexed table of URLs in its algorithm that is used to completely remove those URLs from any and all queries. All the search engines (including Presearch), ISP, email servers, browsers, and operating systems (outside maybe of an open source variant for the time being) are bad news despite all the fake and mere faith based reassurances. In other words, their criminal networks are so well connected now that they can screw around with you anyway they like where ever you go by basically passing your MAC address (identity) around among themselves. You have to be online to figure out what is going on and remember not all people in the government are bad, because if that were the case they would have killed me a long time ago. Mid-level seems to be some sort of dividing line. Bitchute had been deplatformed by service providers so that was/is the problem there and bitchute appears to be blocking specific videos after showing advertisements. Browse the youtube/ channel or search at, bitchute, steemit, dtube, rumble, or the darknet. Search for things different ways on different search engines. Use different browsers for different things at different times. The stuff is still out there for now, but it is even harder to find since the COVIDMANIA crimes against humanity have united with the latest two organized criminal party election farce.

They very obviously spread identity theft everywhere while pretending to protect it without anybody having the slighting clue what they are even doing or a part of for a pay check. They do that so they can collect more intelligence on people and put that data in quantum and super computers to run simulations off of. That way they can also better document a person's normal movements, habits, and routines and study people's behaviors when they react to this or that so they can either profile individuals more effectively and better set that person up for whatever or just get better at killing off larger numbers of people without anybody having the slightest clue what is even going on or what has even been done to them.

They remove stuff like they're executing a military maneuver. It is significantly more difficult to find things than it once was and is mixed in with a lot more well organized intentional disinformation. Vast editing out techniques have long been used by all sides. Twisting the actual truth off one way or another for one reason or another into lower and lower percentages into more and more nothingness has long been used everywhere. Cherry picking has long been a very common tactic used by every side. Data flooding of false indicators from all sides is increasing, running psyops on top of other psyops, and even more fake whistleblowing to support it all on top of all that. These tactics are now very well either knowingly or unknowingly embedded in all the search engines by the powers that be for especially anybody starting out so everybody must in ALL CASES network with people that are at least making a strong effort to figure out what the truth actually is and do your fact checking work from there. The shadow banning techniques are increasingly becoming more sophisticated, automated, and all-embracing as time goes on for a pay check. The only guardrail anybody ever has out of here is the truth so you better get a firm grip on that ASAP and work your way out of all this from there, otherwise you've opened yourself up to any and all manipulations and will just be extending your pain out further and making matters even worse for yourself. You simply can't go one place because everybody has been brainwashed without any exception anywhere on the planet.

The best information comes from individuals not organizations as organizations or groups always become increasingly subverted and infiltrated as they grow. I and many others have not been allowed to comment on Youtube for over a decade now. Wikipedia is absolutely worthless on all political matters especially the political narrative spins although I think the spellings and dates among other things are useful. Wikipedia, up to this point however, is still tracking the eastern European people with so-called Jewish descent which in actuality are people with Khazarian descent and are in actuality converted Jews and in actuality comprise 92%-97% of those people who call themselves Jews today. This is important, because the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is the basic force that did 911 and is the world’s largest organized crime syndicate in the world. KM (Synagogue of Satan) basically runs and controls the planet earth today and Israel is basically a shell company for KM. In any case, it appears that converting to Judaism is a good career move for those seeking it.

The bottom line of this tangled web of convoluted confused madness for me is: Either we get real investigations, real arrests, real convictions, and the resulting free energy or they're taking everybody including themselves straight to hell. In other words, disclosure will not occur even though it already has occurred without accountability. Let me say that another way to make it clearer. There are two things that are absolutely required to happen if we are to survive. The truth on these two things will have to appear on TV and the car radio, otherwise we're dead. One cannot happen without the other one happening as they are both permanently interconnected as you can't get to the truth of one without getting to the truth of the other as well. These two things will be what determines the future of all life on this planet. Those two things are the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and the Disclosure Project Legal Team for UFO Disclosure. The more the public focus is shifted away from the truth of those two things and the more the truth of those two things do not appear on TV and the car radio, the more certain I am that we're dead. It's just a matter of when and how it comes about for each individual. Anybody who thinks they are going to get transparency without accountability will forever after remain in the lost and found department. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^

The world is too brainwashed stupid to help. Obviously, too much of humanity has incessantly chosen to deliberately and consistently MAL-EDUCATE and MAL-INFORM itself 24/7 from cradle to grave which can only result in an immeasurable amount of lost human potential. Every last one of us have undeniably been born into a pile of lies on top of lies that persist. This milieu has created a basket case juvenile planet of baby brained people in deep psychosis with the attention span of a mosquito not even interested in what the truth is on anything as if that will lead to something good. A world not interested in the truth will spread more of a hell on earth type of life experience for everyone. Too many people today are insouciantly satisfied to die without a clue what even happened to them in a surreal sciolist trance of self-annihilation. People need to learn to look stuff up on their own all by themselves. The internet still allows people to do that. Knowledge cannot be injected into a person's brain like a drug it requires work. The fact that human beings on planet earth still to this day don't even study ET civilizations for guidance on their own development is an unnatural course of action that has everything to do with why there is little hope for it. It is not by a mere chance accident that everything just happens to be lined up in this universe to provide us with everything we need to either create a heaven on earth or a hell on earth type of life experience. The faster as many people as possible learn this stuff and spread it around to others that do likewise the more secure everybody's future will become, otherwise things will become harder and harder to reverse for everybody and at a greater and greater sacrifice for every last person on the planet.

The most important thing you can ever do for yourself and the world at large is learn. People will do likewise if they want to. Don't let what other people are doing bother you. Only when enough people do that will the proper courses of action be manifested. We were born to learn and without even knowing it you were the best teacher you ever had all along and that's the only currency you actually ever have the opportunity to gain the ability to retain. The earth is a nursery school setup fundamentally by God, but overseen by free will. As a result each individual can choose whether they want to enter kindergarten or will have to repeat nursery school over again somewhere. Similar to how children are separated into grades in school. There are only two ways to learn to do the right thing once the process of your conscious structure has gained self-aware consciousness: the easy way or the hard way. We make an individual choice for ourselves which path we take. First graders cannot go to school with 8th graders or college students for obvious reasons, although the reverse can be chosen. The fact that God exists and has given us every last thing we need is self-evident. The reason why you can't remember anything that happened to you before you were born on this little bitty basket case planet near the outer edge of this little bitty galaxy within this little bitty physical plane of consciousness is because you're in nursery school and the learning process early on can be much more rapid with a body (training wheels) than without such a clear cut measuring tool. When you have people asking questions like: "Are we alone?" and "Why are they here?". That's another clue you have that you're in nursery school. Comprehending why you're dead is an opportunity provided all earth's inhabitants. After you die understanding what killed you is more important than what you learned to stay alive on earth.

It is imperative that each individual does their own research, does all their own fact checking on all matters, and draws their own conclusions all by themselves completely regardless of what the herd and any so-called authoritative figure is saying or doing on anything ever. The herd does not use its brains and virtually all of our so-called authoritative figures do not either, they merely conform by taking the present path of least resistance and follow what other people are doing and saying which is dangerous at this stage in our development on this planet. Never go one place on anything approaching important and you certainly do not go back to known liars on any matter ever again no matter what they are saying as you can find out any useful information on that elsewhere. As many people as possible need to drill down hard on this their own way to see if we all come up with the same answer. Help people if you can, then just leave them alone and let them do it.

The situation was pathetic before the internet, but now we've lost that level of innocence within ourselves as we have a world of people walking around with these smartphones as well now even though the smarter the phones get the dumber the people get. Nevertheless, the situation is not pathetic any longer as the genie is out of the bottle. So what do we really want after all? That is the question.

It is too hard to find an excuse for this planet to be going to hell anymore. At this point it is all a matter of choosing to remain willfully ignorant as the information is out there and they are clearly scared to death of the people. I don't think anything will change for the better until people learn to treat others better. All earthling human political ideologies are for sure severely and fatally flawed. Everybody has blind spots in their knowledge. Do the right thing for separation as all you will ever take with you is what you learn.

last updated on October 7, 2024 at replying back to spam with a Thunderbird draft is not spam